Jamaica Gleaner Letters

Published: Monday Tuesday | March 31, 2009

LETTER OF THE DAY - Economic paradigm shift needed
The Editor, Sir: There is a great need for us as a nation to save the outflow of dollars. It is common knowledge that our income is being reduced - that is, our income from bauxite, remittances and tourism, and even from other exports. So, where can we save? Read More...

Decentralise DPP's office
The Editor, Sir: The modernisation of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is one of the major prongs of the ongoing Jamaica Justice System Reform Project.One of the recommendations is to develop a network to integrate the office... Read More...

Wrong PNP analysis
The Editor, Sir: The Sunday Gleaner of March 29 carried two articles, one, outlining the opinions of Damion Crawford, president of the People's National Party's Youth Organisation (PNPYO) and the other the views of Delano Franklyn, a former junior... Read More...

Answer lies in agriculture
The Editor, Sir:I am very saddened by the news that Alpart will be closing its doors very shortly. Not only will this hurt the economies of St Elizabeth and Manchester, but it will have a devastating effect on the country's foreign-exchange earnings... Read More...

Jamaica is not a theocracy
The Editor, Sir: Letter writer S. article in The Gleaner of March 24 is a stark reminder of what drives anti-gay behaviour in Jamaica: the absence of solid, consistent and coherent reflection on the premises upon which all social exclusion rests... Read More...

Confusion over public holiday
The Editor, Sir: For years, there was confusion as to what should happen when a public holiday fell on a weekend, until sometime in the mid-1980s, I believe, the JIS went on a campaign to educate the nation about the conditions under law which state that... Read More...

Enemy of the chaste
The Editor, Sir:I must commend the Transport Authority (TA) for reimplementing the rule that no music be played on any public transportation.I strongly hope that the TA will enforce these rules and not allow them to 'stay on the shelves and grow dust'. Read More...

Individual, communal responsibility
The Editor, Sir: President Obama has changed the political, social, and racial landscape of America and the world. As the first black US president and a leader who has a coherent plan to change the direction of the country... Read More...

Tax deductible remittances?
The Editor, Sir: The tourism sector recently got a tax break on its GCT rate, an indication that the Government is willing to help that sector because of its importance to foreign-exchange inflows.A similar gesture could be made to Jamaicans overseas ... Read More...