LETTER OF THE DAY - Economic paradigm shift needed

Published: Tuesday | March 31, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

There is a great need for us as a nation to save the outflow of dollars. It is common knowledge that our income is being reduced - that is, our income from bauxite, remittances and tourism, and even from other exports.

So, where can we save? Our largest expense is in the purchase of oil. This can be replaced over time with renewable energy for generating electricity. If we can save on the use of oil for electricity, then the sensible alternative to the use of oil in transportation is to switch over to electric cars and trucks. This can be done in a few years given serious policy initiatives being introduced and managed. The savings could exceed a billion United States dollars per year.

There are other benefits to this proposition. There is a decreasing job market for trained and untrained workers together. There is a great shortage of investment opportunities for capital. So what does the above suggest? It says to us, if we can change our transportation energy to electricity, then let us produce this from alternative and renewable sources. Let us invite our private sector to invest in alternative energy generation, in homes, in office buildings, in factories or farms, everywhere. We can use the sun, the wind, our rivers, even the waves that strike our shores. But we need clear policies that are agreed to by both political parties. These investments are medium term, not 'buy and sell' investments such as those to which we have become accustomed.


The investments will release capital now engaged in chasing high interest rates. These investments will generate jobs at all levels of the society, both trained and untrained. It will encourage more to become trained as presently the opportunities are limited and declining, so why bother. And we know our customers, they are ourselves.

So, prime minister, leader of the opposition, ministers of energy and transportation. let us get together and get our economy on a new and sensible track. A track that is both cost-effective and environmentally correct to save our island and its people and one that will contribute positively to the planet for the sake and future of our children. Time is of the essence.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 6