Jamaica Gleaner Business

Published: Monday Tuesday | March 31, 2009

EU grant to Jamaica goes sour - Government receives less than expected due to stalled sugar-industry divestment
The European Union (EU) has held on to €2 million (J$253 million), which it should have presented to Jamaica last Thursday, because of the Government's failure to complete its divestment of the sugar industry. Instead, the EU presented the Government ... Read More...

Secrecy blurs access to information law - Age-old Official Secrets Act remains on law books
DESPITE MAKING strides in providing access to information to the public, a cloud of secrecy still hangs over the public sector, as the Officials Secrets Act of 1911, is yet to be repealed, seven years after the passage of the Access to Information Act in 2002... Read More...

Focus on value-added services - SAJ president
Roger Hinds, president of the Shipping Association of Jamaica (SAJ), said businesses in the maritime sector should seek to fill the gap between their potential and where they are now, to take advantage of opportunities that exist in this economic... Read More...

Auto plans rejected, GM given deadline
United States President Barack Obama declared yesterday that General Motors and Chrysler restructuring plans were a little too late, leaving him no choice but to push out GM's chief executive and set a one-month deadline for Chrysler to merge ... Read More...

S&P gives Ireland's credit rating low grade
Global ratings agency Standard & Poor's cut Ireland's credit rating and outlook Monday, warning that the once-booming country faced a difficult struggle to guarantee its banks and get its ballooning national debt under control. Read More...

Brazil extends tax breaks to stimulate growth
Brazil's government is extending a tax break on auto sales and cutting taxes on building materials to help stimulate the economy. Finance Minister Guido Mantega also says the government is increasing taxes ... Read More...