Enemy of the chaste

Published: Tuesday | March 31, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

I must commend the Transport Authority (TA) for reimplementing the rule that no music be played on any public transportation.

I strongly hope that the TA will enforce these rules and not allow them to 'stay on the shelves and grow dust'. A lot of individuals will object to these rules because they believe their rights have been taken away. However, we must look at the bigger picture.

The majority of public transportation plays very explicit music, which is not healthy for our children's development. Youth in our society have become more sexually active and the rate of violence in schools has gone through the roof. The music they listen to is one of the major contributing factors.

According to a recent University of Pittsburgh study, 45 per cent of 13-18-year olds who regularly listened to music with "explicit and aggressive sexual phrases" for more than 17.6 hours a week, had lost their virginity. Music expresses the characteristics of individuals, since they are usually life stories, hence it defines us. But do we really like the definition?

Hats off to the Transport Authority! I support you.

I am, etc.,


