Thursday talk - Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit

Published: Thursday | December 20, 2007 Comments 0

Is that an apology?

1. What apology? Unsigned correspondence purportedly bearing an apology and statement of contrition hardly qualifies as anything but a face-saving mechanism for one of the parties and shows the utter and total contempt for the next.

Birds of a feather

2.After such public transgressions, this is no longer a private matter, and the longer he continues to sit, the more energy will be given to those who have been saying: "Birds of a feather..." And so, over to you Lola!

Missing park

3.Those who know her best are saying it's a case of missing the trailer park.

Getting ready

4.The much-promised office space for the elected lady seems to have been put on hold, but no such problem where the unelected one is concerned, as word out of the big yard is that all is being done to facilitate new offices for her. Wonder what her official role will be to justify the office?

'Winter vegetables'

5.The calls to have these bodies regulated and monitored are growing, as it seems more and more of those whose business was that of dealing in 'winter vegetables' are no longer claiming, tongue in cheek, that their ship has come in, but rather that their investments have matured.

Keep your mouth shut!

6.It is always way better to keep one's mouth shut, and by so doing cause people to question your sense of decency, than to open it and provide them with irrefutable evidence of lack of a moral compass.

Ready to return

7.The wife is now ready to return from her self-imposed exile in the Sunshine State. The only problem here is that the one-time exotic dancer is now ensconced in the matrimonial home and showing no signs of going anywhere, anytime soon.

Trouble in camp

8.The internal wranglings are growing more intense with each passing day! Seems like the one-time profiler has returned to his old ways and, on top of that, is proving more talk than action and is more than willing to lay claim to his colleagues' hard work.

We know!

9.Does he think everyone else is an utter and complete idiot?

Wife and mistress

10. The wife and the mistress get along just fine; in fact, they have exchanged Christmas presents. The husband, however, will not speak to the wife's paramour - the chauffeur.

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