LETTER OF THE DAY - Reviving the scout movement
THE EDITOR, Sir: We at the Scout Association of Jamaica are encouraged by the statement of Mr. Mark Kerr-Jarrett, chairman of the St. James Parish Committee, calling for the revival of boy scouts, girl guides and cadets.
God cannot change
THE EDITOR, Sir: It is always interesting to learn of the different interpretations people have of God. It is my intention in this article to propose another side to Joy Clark's letter to the editor in The Gleaner dated October 10, 2007, to the effect that "God changed his mind".
Evolution theory disregards the Creator
THE EDITOR, Sir: We live in a world where everything is fast becoming relative, a world of no absolutes and where each individual decides for himself/herself what truth is. Could it be that because we have lost our identity and purpose, we have become a restless and law-breaking society?