Letter of the day - Sangster lets the puss out the bag
THE EDITOR, Sir: It was with utter consternation that I read the lead story in Tuesday's Gleaner which was based on statements reportedly made by Dr Alfred Sangster, a member of the Public Service...
We pay taxes, fix our roads!
The Editor, Sir: I have reported on behalf of all citizens of Farringdon Drive and Farringdo off Jacks Hill Road, the deplorable condition of our roads.
Amend the Constitution
THE EDITOR, Sir: Our Constitution should be amended to include citizens of the United States so as to put them on the same footing as Commonwealth citizens in order that they may be elected to the Senate or House of Representatives and not subject to...
No to casinos and Sunday racing
THE EDITOR, Sir: There are two moves by two brothers to introduce casino gambling and Sunday horse racing. It is rather ironic that this should come from two brothers in the political arena.
A hard sore to heal
THE EDITOR, Sir: In the In Focus section of your esteemed Sunday Gleaner of January 27, I quote your columnist Mr Kevin O'Brien Chang in his article, "Are Garrisons a form of social control?"