The Editor, Sir:There are two moves by two brothers to introduce casino gambling and Sunday horse racing. It is rather ironic that this should come from two brothers in the political arena. It is generally believed that casino gambling is widespread in many hotels, but under a pseudonym. They must be resisted along with all their supporters.
Gambling must simply be seen as non-productive, entertaining some who indulge, but doing nothing but circulating money from one hand to the other. The social and economic dislocations and disaster brought to many, chiefly families, are beyond reckoning.
All well-thinking Jamaicans who mean this society well must join with me and others to resist horse racing on the Lord's Day and casino gambling as a government policy that would bring further moral, social and spiritual decadence to this beautiful land.
Good living
Let us call on our men in particular to earn their living by engaging in meaningful and fulfilling endeavours that would make for growth and good living.
Have you noticed the state of things with some of our men of all ages who are either begging or using the gun and engaging in other antisocial behaviour? We must stem this tide!
I am, etc.,