THE EDITOR, Sir:Our Constitution should be amended to include citizens of the United States so as to put them on the same footing as Commonwealth citizens in order that they may be elected to the Senate or House of Representatives and not subject to disqualification, because by virtue of their own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or State as currently provided.
The United States and Britain are divided only by water. This was stated to the world by either then Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher, or the late Ronald Reagan, president of the United States, on a podium on the occasion of a visit by Mrs Thatcher to the United States, and has never been contradicted, and so must be treated as true.
Moreover, that statement has at all material times been supported by overwhelming facts too numerous to mention; and further, that great philosopher and mathematician, Playfair, said: "Things which are equal to the same thing are themselves equal." Jamaica is, therefore, in no way different from Britain or the United States, our neighbour, and perhaps our best friend, and undoubtedly, our potential protector against aggression by any REAL foreign power or state.
Again, the principle of reciprocity impels and compels the amendment. In this context, Jamaicans who are citizens of the United States are not similarly disqualified by US laws because of recognition of necessary implications and consequences of dual citizenship between the two nations.
I am, etc.,
Proud citizen of Jamaica
and of the United States
having undivided loyalty