Jamaica alive and kicking at 45
Forty-five years ago our founding fathers charged us to "go into the world [and] stand on our own feet and make our own way forward by hard work and discipline". The charge is as relevant today as it was then.
Nation brimming with pride and joy
My fellow Jamaicans, today we celebrate 45 years of political Independence, a high point in the history of the Jamaican people.The struggles of a long line of freedom fighters that eventually brought us to that historic moment when the Jamaican flag was unfurled...
Vision of victors
This year we celebrate our Independence in the midst of an election campaign. It ought to be a model election because it was the right to vote and the struggles to secure that right that eventually led to our Independence in 1962.
'Technology in Agriculture could attract more youths'
DENBIGH, Clarendon:In an effort to attract more young people to the agricultural sector, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands is embarking on introducing technology into the field. Greenhouse production and hydroponics cultivation would pull youths into agriculture...
The Elections of 1962 -'The Resurrection of Bustamante'
The PNP began its second term in office in 1959, having won 29 out of the 49 seats and a record 54.8 per cent of the popular vote. It was the first time since 1944 that the electorate had shown such confidence in an administration.
Christian Fellowship World Outreach Centre celebrates 25 years
While many churches had regular Sunday worship, yesterday, the Christian Fellowship World Outreach Centre, Dunrobin Avenue in St. Andrew, was celebrating 25 years of ministry. The church, founded in 1982 under the leadership of Bishop James A. Douglas and Roslyn Douglas....
Getting back in the game
Our backbone (spine) is extremely important to our health. The entire body is under the control of the nerves that originate in the spinal cord. Any disturbance in th of the spine can cause pressure, irritation or inflammation to these nerves and result in a wide range...
45 MILESTONES - Zaila McCalla makes history
1962-2007: 45 years of nationhood Today The Gleaner presents the final in its series looking back at significant milestones that have helped to shape the nation.