Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories

Published: Monday Sunday | March 22, 2009

HOUSING HICCUP - Developers stuck with hundreds of houses as economic slowdown affects buyers .... Large numbers of unsold units on market ... High-end homes put on hold
THE DOWNTURN in the economy has hit real-estate developers, with some forced to stall projects while others are hurting in the pocket as houses on the market are being sold at a painfully slow pace. Read More...

Air Jamaica divestment delayed
The Sunday Gleaner has learnt that the Government is now looking to close the Air Jamaica divestment deal before the end of the first quarter. This has not been officially confirmed, but the minister with responsibility for the airline, Don Wehby, has disclosed that the March 31 deadline will not be met. Read More...

'Portia's popularity will not help Rowe'
POPULAR People's National Party (PNP) President Portia Simpson Miller has walked almost every inch of West Portland in a bid to help Kenneth Rowe win tomorrow's by-election against the Jamaica Labour Party's (JLP) Daryl Vaz. But Vaz is not scared of the 'Portia factor'. Read More...

More bauxite concerns
REPORTS ARE now surfacing that the suspension of production by some of the bauxite companies operating locally could escalate into the full pullout of the international investors. Read More...

City needs spiritual transformation
Church leaders in Montego Bay, St James, have decided to take to the streets in a desperate attempt to stop the orgy of violence which has engulfed the city. Read More...

Propping up construction - Mortgage bank offers subsidised loans to stimulate housing boom
IN AN attempt to free the housing industry from the clutch of a stifling global economic crunch, the Jamaica Mortgage Bank (JMB) has moved to subsidise housing developments that are priced at below $15 million. Read More...

SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS - Carib issues for Obama
PRIME MINISTER Bruce Golding and other regional leaders will have their first face-to-face meeting with United States President Barack Obama at the fifth Summit of the Americas, to be held in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, from April 17-19.pandemic. Read More...