Lament over Grenada route
Published: Monday | February 9, 2009
I am very distraught regarding the proposed cancellation on Air Jamaica's flights to Grenada which had been a great help to the 1,000, plus Jamaicans who reside in Grenada.
I have been a frequent flyer on Air Jamaica for many years and I traverse the Grenada-Jamaica-Miami-Fort Lauderdale routes on a monthly basis. There are many others, whom I meet on my monthly trips, who are gravely affected by this drastic move to alienate the good citizens of Jamaica who are dispersed throughout the Caribbean due to our professional skills.
Our loyalty over the years has been ignored and once again, we are left in a country without any clear way of getting back home. Many of us still, have family and ties in Jamaica and in the event of an emergency, it will take us two days to get to Jamaica.
Air Jamaica should maintain at least one flight per week to Grenada and Barbados to and from Jamaica in order to preserve our true Caribbean culture.
I am, etc.,
True Blue
St George's