Jamaica Gleaner Letters
Published: Monday Monday | February 9, 2009
LETTER OF THE DAY - Censorship is rarely effective
The Editor, Sir: Well, it seems that the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica has finally buckled under the pressure from various quarters to permanently close the Rampin' Shop and erase all traces of 'daggerin' from the airwaves.... Read More...
Welcome improvements
The Editor, Sir: I recently had occasion to visit the Mandeville Motor Vehicle Examination Depot to transact my usual business, as required by law to pass my motor vehicle. I was impressed by the renovations that had been carried out... Read More...
Lament over Grenada route
The Editor, Sir:I am very distraught regarding the proposed cancellation on Air Jamaica's flights to Grenada which had been a great help to the 1,000, plus Jamaicans who reside in Grenada.I have been a frequent flyer on Air Jamaica for many years... Read More...
Daring act by Camperdown cadets
The Editor, Sir: A fire started on Camperdown Road, just below our school, shortly after the closing bell.The cadets were practising their drills when they noticed what was happening. Read More...
Monitor buses for 'daggerin' music too
The Editor, Sir :I am very happy to have read in The Gleaner that the Broadcasting Commission, which monitors the island's electronic media, has banned radio and television stations from airing songs with content deemed explicitly... Read More...
Plan for the struggle ahead
The Editor, Sir: Jamaicans should start planning for the long economic struggle that lies ahead, given what is happening in the world. I do know that for many hustling Jamaicans, this will not make a difference in their lives. Read More...
Clarke's analysis is disingenuous
The Editor, Sir: I write with reference to the article titled 'A lost birthright - the haemorrhaging of the bauxite sector' by Claude Clarke and published in the Public Affairs section of your February 1 edition.... Read More...
Censorship vs free expression - Critics are social hypocrites - Kartel
The Editor, Sir: This is a response to an article written by Esther Tyson and supported by the rest of the social hypocrites who claim Rampin' Shop is musical poison.Ms Tyson, the "devastating impact on the psyche of Jamaican children... Read More...
A raging debate ...
Friday's announcement by the Broadcasting Commission that it had issued a directive banning songs deemed sexually explicit and violent, with particular references to 'daggerin', whether the word had been 'bleeped', i.e. edited or not... Read More...