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... Relationship - In knee-d of help
published: Saturday | August 23, 2008

Yvonnie Bailey- Davidson

Dear Counsellor:

My mother has been diagnosed with arthritis of the knee. She has been given analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents with minimal effect. I am thinking of getting a wheelchair for her to use.

- Cecilia

Dear Cecilia:

There are various physical problems that affect individuals. Arthritis is just one of them. Arthritis can be crippling and results in physical disability.

Some individuals become demoralised because of the chronic pain and minimal relief of the pain. There are various techniques and devices for individuals who have knee problems. It is best to see the orthopaedic surgeon and the rheumatologist to get an expert opinion on your mother's knee.

Your mom may need to get various exercises, as prescribed by the physiotherapist. There are devices that can enable an individual to walk around and function.

When individuals are mobile only through the use of a wheelchair, they often get depressed. It is good to continue walking for as long as possible. A wheelchair can be used to give some relief but you need to encourage routine activities such as walking and simple exercises. The specialist doctor will guide you regarding the exercises needed.

It is important to get your mother to attend church and community activities as loneliness and isolation can result. Despite having arthritis of the knee, one can remain active.

Vacation leave

Dear Counsellor:

I have been working for several years and sometimes have difficulty in securing vacation leave. I am convinced that I need to get my vacation leave to be able to perform at a very high level.

- Mary-ann

Dear Mary-Ann:

Vacation leave is very important. We all need to take a break from routine activities to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves. It would be helpful to have a scheduled leave roster for everyone in your department.

Usually, the concern is that there is inadequate coverage when people are away. Temporary staff can fill in when people go on leave. Each company should make it a policy that vacation leave is mandatory and each employee should arrange to take his annual leave.

It has been shown that productivity increases when people are rested. Positive thinking and positive behaviour are good for productivity. Each company should have an employee-assistance programme to help staffers organise their lives so that personal problems don't interfere with productivity at the workplace.

Incentives should be given to employees, who can organise themselves, so that they can take their leave. Companies should make it a policy that there are enough temporary employees so that productivity is not affected.

Companies need to have wellness seminars to help employees lead healthy lives. It is important that the health of the staff is in the forefront of any policy or procedure.

Employees need mental health days to rejuvenate themselves.

Please speak with your personnel manager or union representative to create a change in your workplace.

Email questions to Dr Yvonnie Bailey-Davidson at or call 978-8602.

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