EDITORIAL - Paula Llewellyn's ascendancy and mission
Paula Llewellyn is no unknown quantity to Jamaica, particularly in its legal and jurisprudential sector.She is recognised as a bright, tough and fair prosecutor, who happens to be a woman. She has, herself, said that she has never made gender an issue in her career.
Cleansing ourselves
Why is it that Jamaican governments in power cannot root out corruption from among their ranks? Why do we have to wait for a change of ruling party for corruption in government to be exposed - but in the previous administration? This was one of the virtues of the two-term ... - Peter Espeut
Staying the course
LONDON, England: Practically buried under the avalanche of American election coverage was Sunday's victory by Dmitry Medvedev in the Russian presidential election. This may well have been a fair reflection of the relative level of drama in Russia's poll... - John Rapley
NOTE-WORTHY: Not termite time
The world economy has slowed since last year and Jamaica is one country that had been set back by not only Hurricane Dean but also volcanic economic policies practised before. I would like to tell Jamaicans that you are not alone...