Published: Thursday | March 26, 2009

The Ministry of Education said yesterday that all was in place for the sitting of the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) today and tomorrow.

Nearly 50,000 grade-six students are registered to sit the examination, which guides the placement of students in secondary schools.

Colin Blair, director of communication in the Ministry of Education, said officers from the Ministry of Education will be monitoring the administration of the GSAT in a sample of schools over the two days.

Blair told The Gleaner GSAT materials have been dispatched and are to be collected by the principals of schools in time for the examination today.

He said presiding examiners and invigilators have been identified and trained to ensure that examination conditions are maintained during the sitting of the GSAT.

Candidates have been provided with timetables indicating the day and time of each test paper. They should be at the examination centre at least 15 minutes before the GSAT begins. The examination starts at 9 each morning.