FSC hosts third crime mitigation workshop

Published: Wednesday | March 25, 2009

Minister of Finance Audley Shaw - File

The Financial Services Commission (FSC) will be hosting its third annual financial crime mitigation workshop for its regulated entities at the Hilton Kingston hotel today.

This training initiative is in keeping with the FSC's financial crime objective. The entity, under Section 6(2)(f) of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001, is mandated to " ... implement measures designed to reduce the possibility of a prescribed financial institution being used for any purpose connected with an offence involving fraud, theft or money laundering".

The workshop, themed 'Financial Crime: Identification, Mitigation and Reporting', will open with a keynote address by Minister of Finance and the Public Service Audley Shaw.

The focus of the workshop will surround the discussion and presentation of issues relating to financial crime mitigation, including identification of forms of financial crime, trends in financial crimes, coordinating with supervisors for law enforcement, as well as strategies aimed at mitigation.

Target audience

The target audience includes those officers in organisations with responsibility for the financial crime mitigation programme, such as nominated/compliance officers, general counsel and legal officers, internal auditors and investigators.