Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories

Published: Monday Wednesday | March 18, 2009

Heroes brave fire - Nurse breaks leg while saving two children - Residents join hands to douse flames
It all happened so quickly. The second-storey level of Martha's House, a Mustard Seed Communities home on North Street, was where the fire started. All the children save two had already been whisked to safety. But that's when the brave efforts of nurse Dawn Mansfield... Read More...

Issa rips tax scheme as 'corrupt conspiracy'
Superclubs boss John Issa came out swinging yesterday, as he ripped successive governments for their poor handling of the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) and for fostering the corruption and cronyism, preventing tax compliance... Read More...

Jamaican group says YES we can!
WESTERN BUREAU: IT IS said 'there is no place like home', yet young adults are increasingly finding solace among the borders of one character-building programme, and for some of them, it is the only place they call home. Through the vision of founding director... Read More...

'Mushing' through the challenges - Dog-sledding Jamaican asks countrymen not to give up on their dreams
WESTERN BUREAU: Twenty-six-year-old Oswald Marshall has developed a 'stone-cold' drive to succeed as he moved from being employed as a gardener at Chukka Caribbean Adventures to now being Jamaica's first international musher. A musher is someone who drives a dogsled team.... Read More...

Jamaica to submit application for TB grant
Jamaica will in the next three months, submit an application to the Global Fund for a grant to strengthen its local tuberculosis (TB) prevention and control programme. According to Dr Eva Lewis-Fuller, director of health promotion and protection ... Read More...

Companies feel the sugar rush - Divestment tender reaps 14 prospects - Infinity Bio shows renewed interest
Fourteen entities have submitted bids for the five sugar factories and cane lands slated to be divested by the Government.Among the bidders is Infinity Bio-Energy, the Brazilian firm, which has renewed its interest in the island's sugar assets... Read More...

Shock school closure - Police to investigate
Students attending a New Kingston-based institution received the shock of their lives yesterday morning when they arrived to find the school gates closed and the classrooms empty. Reports are that the operator of Global Hospitality and Career Development... Read More...

Growing dis-Content - St Catherine district thirsts for water, electricity, roads
Residents in a rustic St Catherine district are not living up to their name. Citizens in Content, a rugged hamlet in Bog Walk, are anything but satisfied. They said they have endured more than 80 years without access to electricity and water, literally depending on sun and rain... Read More...

Contractor general's office sends GOTEL probe to commissioner, DPP
THE OFFICE of the Contractor General's 11-monthlong special investigation into the issuance of licences to Index Communications Network Limited, trading as GOTEL, has ended with findings pointing to either breaches... Read More...

Seaga still advocating for Charter of Rights
Edward Seaga, former prime minister of Jamaica, is again advocating for full entrenchment of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to better protect the liberties of Jamaicans.The charter, which will replace Chapter Three of the Jamaican Constitution, ... Read More...