Jamaica Gleaner Letters
Published: Monday Saturday | February 7, 2009
LETTER OF THE DAY - House members should receive failing grades
The Editor, Sir:I have been present at most of the sittings of the parliamentary subcommittee reviewing the proposed change to current abortion legislation.Apart from the very early sittings... Read More...
Misplaced philantrophy
The Editor, Sir: Today, we praise internet access for its ability to facilitate commu-nication.Aside from business, government, public and private utilities, not to mention personal use, we are all well aware of how educational systems in particular can... Read More...
Please, go in peace
The Editor, Sir:Reference is made to the very public action being pursued between the distinguished retired chief executive officer, who was bestowed with various accolades, including two national awards and an honorary doctorate, all of which were in... Read More...
Horn-blowing NTCS drivers
The Editor, Sir: I would like to bring to the attention of the management of the National Transport Co-operative Services (NTCS) bus company the continued nuisance being plagued in the Portmore community... Read More...
Debased subculture
The Editor, Sir: Topics about education and the upbringing of our children were prominent headlines in The Gleaner of February 5, and the passion that I have for these topics has literally driven me to join the conversation. Read More...
You can't fix stupid
The Editor, Sir: This is in response to the editorial of February 6, 2009, endorsing performance-based pay for teachers. Read More...
Education audit![](images/Layout1_1_PPV36NotewortQL.jpg)
I do not think performance or behaviour is the best criterion on which to assess teachers performance. Read More...