Tuesdaytalk - Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit

Published: Tuesday | January 27, 2009

So-so food

1. Some of those who flocked to the Second City last weekend complain that the tasty and reasonable meals once available at a celebrated spot are no longer offered. Despite their deep hunger, many could not help complaining about the so-so food and the sloppy service. Time to make some changes in the kitchen.

Service needs fixing

2. Frustrated customers report that the online bill-payment service for a popular utility has become very unreliable of late. There are instances when the service is not accessible and the customer then has to find alternative means to pay the bills. At other times, the payment is not credited and the customer is told there is no record of the payments. As the chorus of the disgruntled grows louder, many are predicting a souring the relationship between the company and its customers.

The man with wicked intentions

3. He is recognised as a man of fine taste. He likes the best wheels, fine garments, excellent food and beautiful women - not necessarily in that order. What many have not yet learnt is that his past is littered with examples of using women to carry out his evil deeds. As he blends in with the in-crowd, those who know his antecedents are watching carefully to see whether he is back to his old ways.

How undiplomatic

4. Some plum diplomatic jobs are usually reserved for the party faithful. But many know that transforming political fanatics into spokespersons with savvy, style and poise is not as easy as it sounds. Right now, people are whispering about the crass behaviour of one of our representatives whose actions have succeeded in selling Jamaica for less than the country is worth.