Amendments will allow for more stringent policies
Published: Friday | January 23, 2009
The Broadcasting Commission notes the concerns of a letter writer ('Cable TV worse', published on January 16) as it relates to content on cable television, and seeks to clarify the general misconception regarding the scope of the commission's regulatory authority.
It should be noted that up until last year, the Broadcasting Commission had no direct control over local cable channels. In July 2008, the Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act was amended to give the Commission responsibility for licensing and regulating local cable channel providers or Independent Programme Providers (IPP), as they are referred to in the act. Also, the Television and Sound Broadcasting Regulations are in the process of being amended to give effect to changes in the act. Once these amendments have been finalised, all persons wishing to operate local cable channels must be approved by the Broadcasting Commission and will be subject to its direct regulatory authority.
Resolute in commitment
The writer, like many other citizens, believes "slackness is broadcast with impunity on the local cable stations". The commission assures all concerned persons that it is resolute in the drive to rid the electronic media of inappropriate content. One example of this is that the new regulations will require that any local cable channel which wishes to be designated as suitable for a 'G' or 'PG' rating, be held to the same scheduling and programming requirements as TVJ, CVM and LOVE-TV.
With the amendment of the act and new regulations to come into force, the public will see the commission's regulatory actions extending more markedly to the local cable industry, particularly those who operate cable channels.
I am, etc.,
Executive Director
Broadcasting Commission