The Obama comparison

Published: Friday | January 23, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

The Gleaner has quite rightly highlighted all the events in the USA relating to the Obama phenomenon and his effect on America and the rest of the world. There can be no doubt that this time is one of the most exciting times in the history of the world. Not only because of this great achievement, but because three years ago few could imagine that a person of colour could ever become the most powerful in the world - president of the United States of America.

As a Jamaican, I join in the celebration of that achievement but cannot help but compare the present situation in America and in Jamaica and especially the approach of President Obama and our own Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

Stark difference

The stark difference is the way government is conducted in both countries. Jamaica, having adopted the Westminster system, seems to make it a duty to keep everything a secret from the people in Jamaica. The United States is the paramount for open government, something that Golding himself embraced during his sojourn in the National Democratic Movement.

Just compare the difference and the approach of both Obama and Golding in articulating to the people of America and Jamaica, respectively. The most powerful man in the world is at pains to explain and seek the support of the people of America despite the fact that he enjoys wide support and popularity. He treats the American people with respect. One of his first statements is to pronounce his intention and commitment to open and transparent government. Although time will tell with President Obama, time has told us in Jamaica that that seems to be the opposite.

No need for secrecy

Our own barely talks to us, explains the minimum only when pushed and even when there is no need for secrecy, like the appointment of a new governor general, keeps it a secret for weeks/months until Nationwide radio breaks the story.

I am, etc.,



PO Box 500,

Spanish Town
