Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories

Published: Monday Sunday | January 11, 2009

FROM THE tough inner-city communities in the Corporate Area to that quiet farming district in Westmoreland, the cry for jobs has been echoing across the island.

Big shake-up at tax department
There is to be a shake-up of the island's tax administration services, effective tomorrow, that will see 19 senior officers and consultants in the Ministry of Finance and its affiliated tax agencies redeployed.

Prison without walls: Security analyst suggests radical crime-fighting measures
AS JAMAICA grapples with the crime burden, security analyst Harold Crooks is offering his advice to the Government, which he believes can help to reduce the crime...

Abandoning that 'special' child
IN LATE December 2008, 19-year-old Nicolette Ledford was detained under the Child Care and Protection Act after she allegedly abandoned her physically challenged daughter in an old animal shelter off Spanish Town Road in...

Minister urges caution when seeking jobs abroad
The labour ministry is urging Jamaicans seeking jobs abroad to be careful of the employment agencies with which they deal.The ministry places thousands of persons in jobs overseas each year but almost daily, other entities advertise locally for...

10 hospitalised following traffic accidents in Portland
TEN PEOPLE were hospitalised yesterday following two major road-traffic collisions in Portland.The incidents follow December's deadly crash in Portland's Rio Grande Valley which left 14 people dead.

Ugly bauxite legacy: Mining leaves community bare, cripples agricultural activities
IT'S NOTHING like the picturesque hills for which Jamaica is known; bare, wide-open pits, countless pieces of limestone rock and shrubs struggling to display signs of vibrancy are among the disturbing images that Blenheim Town projects.

MP preparing to sue commissioner of mines
GOVERNMENT backbencher Ernest Smith has served notice that he is preparing to bring a civil suit against the commissioner of mines for not imposing the fines on bauxite-producing companies that have been tardy in reclaiming mined-out lands in his...

Bauxite gloom
MINING MINISTER Derrick Smith has said that the situation in the bauxite/alumina industry is worsening as the girth of a wicked economic recession tightens the demand for the product on the world market.