JCA fiasco - Ingram bounced from Jamaica squad - WICB refutes giving approval to tour with 14 players

Published: Thursday | January 8, 2009

Anthony Foster, Gleaner Writer

Ingram ... had bags packed and was ready to travel.

The Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA) has started the New Year in embarrassing style.

On December 20, secretary Milton Henry communicated a list of 14 players to the media, whom he said would travel for Jamaica's three away West Indies Four-day Championship matches against Leeward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago and the Combined Campuses and Colleges (in Barbados).

However, when the players turned up at Sabina Park on Tuesday, ready to depart for St Kitts, Lorenzo Ingram was greeted with the news that he could not travel with the team.

It was communicated that a misunderstanding led the selectors to name 14 players, instead of 13, which is stipulated by the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB).

JCA president Paul Campbell, who described the situation as "disappointing and embarrassing", tried to explain the reason for the mix up.

The Gleaner understands that the situation was brought to light on Monday night when team manager Deron Dixon was checking off the tickets and discovered there was none for Ingram.

Campbell confirmed this and stated that checks with the WICB confirmed only 13 players were allowed to travel.

He said the selectors were then asked to cut the squad and Ingram was later advised he was left off the team.

"We understand the disappointment and embarrassment, because it's quite an embarrassing situation to have got to that point, both for the player and the JCA," admitted Campbell.

But as to where the wrong stroke was played, Campbell played a cautious line.

"There was a miscommunication," was his first line of defence.

"We are still trying to figure out where did that (miscommunication) accrue," he added, then noted the policy has always been for 13 players to travel.

"There has been no change by the JCA and I am not aware of any by the WICB, so as to where that information came from, that is what we are still trying to figure out.

"How did we arrive at that (14 players) and how was it communicated to the selectors," he continued.

However, The Gleaner learnt that a conversation, which took place between chairman of selectors, Ruddy Williams, who asked Brian Breese, the then cricket operation officer, to check if the WICB would facilitate Jamaica travelling with 14 players as they had three consecutive away matches.

Breese confirmed such a conversation took place and following discussions with the WICB, approval was given for Jamaica to travel with 14 players.

Extra player

"I did check it and the information was that we could travel with the extra player," explained Breese, who pointed to an instance last year when Jamaica were allowed to travel with an extra player as their four-day and one-day matches ran concurrently.

The WICB, however, says no such request was made by the JCA.

Tony Howard, the WICB chief operation officer, whose department deals with such request, said he is not aware of any such discussion with Breese.

"I don't know if he had any discussion with the department, but he did not have any with me," Howard said.

"Our department would have sent out, before the start of the season, to say (to the boards) the size of the travelling party," added Howard.

The WICB official said the stipulation for teams travelling was always 13 players.

Howard added: "As far as I know, no permission was given to anybody to increase the the size of their travelling party."

In the meantime, Campbell doesn't think a public apology is necessary, but said if one is needed, he would gladly do so.

Campbell, however, promised his association's own investigation into the matter.

"As soon as we close this issue of investigation, the result will inform if there is any action to be taken."

Left: Campbell ... It's quite an embarrassing situation. Center: Breese ... I did check it. Right: Howard ... As far as I know, no permission was given. - Contributed