Today, The Gleaner presents the views of Doreen Frankson, immediate past president of the Jamaica Manufacturers' Association, on the positive traits of Jamaica as a nation.
The resilience of Jamaican women transcends any economic or social burden. Our women are positive forces for our fatherless children and the lone female continues to produce children with the calibre of past leaders.
The Jamaican heart is strong and is observed in the way we rally around friends and family when true need arises. This continues to be a positive factor in our country as we see each other through crisis - whether rich or poor. Despite our own mundane activities, we still find time to enjoy life to the fullest.
Change in music
There is also a social change in our music that is heartening. With many long-standing and up-and-coming artistes recognising their social responsibility, it gives hope for the future.
The business community continues to undertake their social responsibility and continuously give back to the community. It is heartening to observe corporate Jamaica demanding social responsibility from the artistes they support.
There are tons of positives - we just have to open our eyes to see them.