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What's for breakfast?
published: Thursday | August 28, 2008

Emma Sharp, Contributor

Cereals are a healthy start to the day.

Do you find that there isn't enough time in the morning for breakfast? Are you sending your children off to school with only a small carton of juice? Or perhaps no one in the family is consuming anything before embarking on the day.

Literature reiterates that breakfast is the most important meal. "Without breakfast, the brain must rely on glucose that the body stores for fuel." A good breakfast should meet a quarter to a third of the day's nutrient needs." (Nutrition: Science and Applications - fourth edition; Smolin & Grosvenor, p.428)

Many studies have shown that children perform better in school if they've eaten breakfast. What's more, it benefits adults as well. With today's Internet access, anyone can obtain information with regard to this, through search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.


There are so many delicious and easy concoctions which one can make at the crack of dawn, and the recipes I have given below are quick to prepare. However, there is a possibility that your children might not feel like eating so early. But don't forget that you are the adult! Just as you get them to wake up, brush their teeth, and get ready for school, you therefore make it part of their routine to sit at the table for breakfast.

Now, you will find that children often eat more, and healthier, when a grown up dines with them, so practice what you preach! Get everyone in the family to be asking you each day, "What's for breakfast?"

Breakfast ideas:

Oven-Roasted Oats with Dried Fruit and Milk:

Ingredients2 cups oats

3/4 cup dried fruits such as raisins, sultanas and chopped apricots.

Milk to serve.


1. Preheat the oven 350F. Place the oats in a large roasting pan and roast in the oven for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.2. Remove from the oven and cool. Mix in a bowl with the dried fruits and keep in an airtight container.3. If you make this on the weekend, you can use this during the week by just pouring some out into a bowl and adding milk. If you must have it sweeter then add a chopped ripe banana, honey, or brown sugar.

Eggs in Holes: Serves 1-2

Ingredients2 slices of toast, with a 1 1/2 inch circle cut out of the middle of each

1tbs olive oil

2 eggs

Salt and black pepper

Methods1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, place the 2 slices of toast side by side inside the pan. 2. Crack an egg into each hole and sprinkle with salt and pepper. 3. Turn the heat down and cover with a lid. Cook for 2-4 minutes, depends how 'well done' you like your eggs.4. Using a spatula, remove from the pan and place on a plate.

Rice and Ham Hash: Serves 1

Ingredients2tsps olive oil

1-2oz ham, cut into 1/4 inch pieces

2 scallions, finely sliced

1 cup plain cooked rice

Salt and black pepper

Method1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the ham and scallions and fry for 2 minutes before mixing in the rice. 2. Heat through thoroughly and season with salt and pepper.

Scrambled Egg with Red Sweet Pepper in a Pita Pocket: Serves 2


1tbsp olive oil

1/2 red sweet pepper, diced

4 eggs

Salt and black pepper

1 large pita pocket, cut in half


1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add the pepper and fry for a couple minutes, until soft. 2. Mix the egg in a bowl with salt and pepper. Pour the egg into the pan, turn down the heat and cook slowly, stirring constantly with a plastic spatula. 3. Remove from heat when cooked, divide into two and spoon into each half of the pita.

Roasted Chicken Sausages and Tomato Sandwiches: Serves 2


4 slices fresh bread

1tbsp butter

2 chicken breakfast sausages, sliced 1/2 inch thick

2 plumy tomatoes, sliced


1. Preheat the oven 400F. Place the sliced sausages on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 15 minutes until golden.2. Make two sandwiches, spreading each slice of bread with butter, filling each with the sausages and tomatoes.

Sausages are a preferred breakfast choice. - Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer.

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