E: A 'drowning' man clutches at a 'straw'; a shoe-lace sized string which he hopes to use as a rope to pull his car from the gushing waters.
The following sequence shows motorists braving the flooded Yallahs ford in St Thomas despite warning from onlookers on Saturday
B: The water has entered the ford and it is now dangerous. This man pleads with motorists not to attempt to cross the ford.
C: No alternate route just yet. Drivers of cars decide to use an abandoned but elevated part of the ford. The bigger unit braves the water.
D: The water has got to the elevated part of the ford. The driver of this passenger bus leaves the vehicle to clear his driving path.
A: The rain pours down in the hills and the Yallahs river is about to rush to the sea. These men have seen the signs and are warning motorists
F: The driver gets help and is pulled out of the river. He is not leaving anyone behind and returns for one of his passengers.