Breaking down SME financing barriers
The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) is negotiating deals with regional universities for a study on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that is meant to diagnose the problems that have become barriers to long-term capital financing for such businesses.
Insurance - Spinning a web of lies
Question: A young woman reversed her vehicle into the right side of my car which was stationary. The front and rear doors were damaged. I reported the accident to the police and my brokers. The cost of repairs amounted to $90,481, and my insurers paid $60,481. My broker said that I should recover the excess and loss of use from the insurers of the other vehicle.
Who speaks for you? Know your business representatives (Part II)
While business associations and organisations have systems in place for succession planning, many changes in leadership might have slipped your attention, especially if you not are directly associated with these entities.
Golf tourism a $14b business
It may be surprising to many to learn that golfing visitors brought more than US$200 million (J$14 billion) into the economy in 2006, based on Jamaica Golf Association estimates. Taxes derived from the golf industry are estimated at more than J$1.5 billion.
First Global opens branch No 5 at Liguanea
First Global Bank on Friday officially declared its fifth branch open for business in Liguanea, St Andrew, a $20-million investment.
Caribbean Estate to deliver 116 homes - Now selling units in Block F
New Era Homes 2000 Limited, developer of Caribbean Estate in Portmore, St. Catherine, will deliver 116 new houses on the market in February, the company has said. Caribbean Estate is a two-phase development which, when finalised, would have placed 980 units on the market.
Will carbon border taxes gain traction?
Until about a week ago, I had never heard of carbon border taxes. But, as I have since discovered, they represent just one of a number of measures being considered by some developed nations to ensure they do not lose commercial advantage as a result of growing global pressure to protect the environment.