Garfield Grandison, Editor-in-Chief
Today we introduce you to our revised Code of Ethics. This document represents our covenant with our readers and all others who interact with our newsrooms in Jamaica, the United States and the United Kingdom.
This revised code, last updated in 2003, details our commitment to certain standards on which our staff should be judged. We urge you to hold us to these standards.
Each member of our newsroom will undergo a series of training sessions, beginning this month; and each new employee will be introduced to this document.
The first priority of Gleaner newspapers is to be fast and accurate with the news. We will honour this commitment to you.
A great newspaper is distinguished by the balance, fairness and authority of its reporting and editing. We will honour this commitment to you.
Rather than demoralising its community, the great newspaper will, by honest and intelligent journalism, inspire people to do better. We are a great newspaper company. We will inspire the nation.
Our revised Code of Ethics covers a range of issues, including delivering the reader experience; discrimination and fairness; the handling of complaints and corrections; treatment of minors; plagiarism and bribery; and coverage of crime, violence, the courts and politics.
Send your questions and comments to: or call 932-6055.
Highlights of our revised Code of Ethics
We will respect the privacy of individuals and recognise that any intrusion has to be justified in the public interest;
We will act honourably and ethically in dealing with news sources, the public and our colleagues;
We will not publish material that encourages discrimination, ridicule, prejudice or hatred;
We will not publish details of a person's sexual orientation unless critical to the story and in the public interest;
We will move swiftly to correct errors in any of our publications;
We will regularly publish notices to inform readers how to communicate complaints to the newsroom;
We will not publish extended quotes from other sources without giving credit;
We will not publish obscenities or profanities or defamatory comments;
We will not identify relatives, friends or associates of persons convicted or accused of a crime unless directly relevant to the case;
We will not allow newsroom employees to work for a political candidate or office holder on a paid or voluntary basis.