The Editor, Sir:In reading the column written by the Rev. Devon Dick, published in your paper on January 1, I got a little confused by a certain statement he made.
I have been following the issue in your paper regarding the Stephen Vasciannie affair and cannot recall ever reading that Prime Minister Bruce Golding cited the "dead cat" comment made by Vasciannie in the past as his reason for objecting to his appointment. If it was indeed said by the PM, and I missed it, then I stand corrected.
What I want to say, however, is that people who are in a position of influence, those in a position to disseminate information to others, should do so with responsibility. Journalists, commentators and columnists should report fairly and truthfully.
Careless comments predicated on assumptions only serve t and continue to fuel the division that currently exists in the country. Every one of us has a responsibility to change the course of things in this country. Time for us all to stand up and be counted.
I am, etc.,
Memphis, TN
Via Go-Jamaica