Jamaica Gleaner In Focus
Published: Monday Sunday | April 8, 2007
Passover vs Easter
Today, millions of Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ during this season of Easter. But perhaps most don't realise that it was not until the fourth century that Easter was uniformly observed by Christians. (Boyne) Read More...
Stepping up in agriculture
A few days ago, I visited one of my favourite projects, the Jamaica Agriculture Development Foundation (JADF). Most people have never heard of this project because it keeps a low profile. (Seaga) Read More...
Slave trading then, social reparation now
Two hundred years ago you could buy a human being for three to four pounds worth of cheap rum, produced at five and a half pence a gallon, transport him/her in a three-foot-three-inch space on a ship owned by a European or North American, operated under a charter company in which kings, queens, parliamentarians, mayors, churchmen, merchant, and industrialists invested and sell that human being back for 30 to 80 pounds. (Buddan) Read More...
The Church's missing link
Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates on earth; the incidence of domestic violence is astronomical; the slaughter of children and contract killings are regular occurrences. (Hewitt) Read More...
Perspective on Education
The Editor, Sir: The upsurge of violence in our school has been of major concern to us students and it is, therefore, important that our voices be heard. Many times teachers and other adults make proposals, which seem harsh and may either be taken into account or dismissed. Read More...