WE LIVE in a society where disorder and poor (if any) planning appear to be the order of the day.
I attended the Bussu Festival in Portland last Sunday, and it was a welcome relief, in terms of the total package offered. The setting could not have been more perfect, with a spacious lawn area, a bushed 'woodland', and the tempting Swift River in the background.
The entertainment provided throughout the day was quite appropriate, and special mention must be made of the entertainment provided for the children.
It was obvious that the organisers had the patrons' security and comfort at heart, and this was evident in ample personable police personnel, a police post, and motor vehicles (including a police tow-away truck). Parking was well organised. The number of, and variety of stalls was good, so too were the cultural presentations.
To the organisers, I say, a job well done. Bussu Festival was a clean and highly entertaining family and cultural event. Is it unreasonable to ask other event organisers to offer the public entertainment of this calibre?
I am, etc.,
Via Go-Jamaica