Friday | August 17, 2001

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Lead Stories

US backlash against ganja - Embassy official warns of decertification for Jamaica
GOVERNMENT COULD be setting itself up for a major diplomatic backlash, mainly from the United States, if it accepts the recommendation of the Barry Chevannes-chaired National Commission on Ganja to decriminalise the use of the herb for private...

'It's too late to influence G-G'

EVEN AS he heads into talks with Prime Minister P.J. Patterson today, Opposition Leader Edward Seaga is maintaining his objection to the method of appointing the Commission of Enquiry into the recent violence in West Kingston. He has also stepped up...

Child Care Protection Bill for Parliament

THE LONG-AWAITED Child Care and Protection Bill will soon be completed and tabled in Parliament. While not giving a specific deadline for the completion, Ambassador Marjorie Taylor, Special Envoy for Children, said yesterday that those responsible for...

Court hearing for C&W worker soon - Other implicated in wire-tap case reportedly off island
THE POLICE are now completing documentation to put Devon Francis, an employee of Cable and Wireless before the courts by next week, Assistant Commissioner of Police Osbourne Dyer told The Gleaner yesterday.

Group receives grant to conduct research on Garvey

THE FRIENDS of Liberty Hall received a grant of US$15,000 under the United States Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation yesterday. The grant, which was signed over to Professor Rupert Lewis, an executive member of the Friends of Liberty Hall, by...

JLP wants debate on state of power supply

THE JAMAICA Labour Party (JLP) has charged that the spate of power cuts which has been affecting the island since April will continue for a longer period than that announced by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo), because the company's reserve...

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